How to turn off the hot water supply to the kitchen sink?

How to turn off the hot water supply to the kitchen sink

How to turn off the hot water supply to the kitchen sink?

Whenever any plumbing work is to be done, most of them require turning off the hot water supply to carry out the work.

As no part can be detached from the set up, we have to disconnect the supply to make sure that the repairing works go seamless.

Keep reading to understand DIY steps that you must follow to shut the hot water supply to kitchen sink.

Step by step instructions to be followed to turn off the hot water supply to the kitchen sink

The mechanism followed in most of the sinks stays almost same and the best part is that no tools are needed to perform this function.

  1. Locate shutoff valves

Shutoff valves controls the main water supply and are located on the piping section under the sink area.

The valves on the faucets are used to control the water flow but shutoff valves help to turn off the water supply completely.

  1. Locate the hot water valve

If your kitchen sink has a mixed water tap there will be two shut off valves. One for hot water and other for cold water.

Mostly these are colour coded for easy identification i.e. red for hot water and blue for cold water.

So, you need to find the hot water valve from the two.

  1. Turn off the hot water valve

So, now you have found the hot water valve. Rotate it gently to get it in off position.

In case it has levers and knobs, rotate them in clockwise direction to turn them off.

But, if your valve has screws then you may need screw drivers to rotate the screws to approximately half a circle to turn off the supply.

  1. Test the water supply

Now the process is complete. It’s time to check and test the supply.

Turn on your kitchen sink faucet to check the water coming from the inlet is hot or cold.

If the water is cold, then Bingo you are successful else you need to start from step 1 again.

Winding up

So, now you have understood the process of how to turn off the hot water supply to the kitchen sink unit.

In case, there are not shutoff valves placed to the kitchen sink, then you need to find the main shutoff valve that offers supply to the entire home.

You may even shut off water meters if no main valves are there. Most of the kitchens have similar setups so the mechanism followed stays similar too.

Keep reading Kitchen Designn blogs for more interesting hacks and DIY updates on your common kitchen problems.

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