How to remove a kitchen worktop?

How to remove a kitchen worktop

How to remove a kitchen worktop?

Kitchen worktops are changed when modification and a completely new installation are required.

Since it is a highly used kitchen fit, we must ensure its best condition.

Today, you will learn how to remove the old worktop from the kitchen in easy steps.

Required tools:

  • Adjustable Wrench
  • Chisel
  • Knife
  • Screwdriver

7 Quick Steps to remove kitchen worktop by yourself

Free the worktop

Clean kitchen countertop to avoid damage and surface stress.

Disconnect and relocate the electrical kitchen appliances such as microwave, oven, mixer, juicer and electric kettle.

Remove everything, tiny or huge.

The top must be clear to work.

Disconnect water and power supply

The kitchen worktop supply may come from water and electrical supply.

It can be water, gas, electric, and sink attachments.

Turn off every vital connection for secure work.

Remove the tap and its attachments.

You will see a bolt at the base of a tap sink area.

Take a screwdriver and loosen the bolt to remove the tap from the sink.

With it, you will also be able to disconnect the flexible hoses or water pipes attached to the faucet.

Repeat the detaching process till you separate everything connected to the sink.

Take out the sink

Some agents must attach to the surface and sink.

Remove the adhesive agent with a sharp knife or a chisel.

You may need to show extra effort here.

Detach screws of kitchen sink

Remove screws with the help of a screwdriver.

Place the screws in a place where they can be found easily.

Remove The Sink

Once every attachment is removed, the sink can be taken out quickly.

Grab the sink and take It out from the worktop.

Take a helping hand to lift the sink.

Break the bond between wall and worktop

The kitchen countertop is attached to the wall with solid glue.

It can be broken with a few methods:

Using adhesive removal:

You need to use an adhesive removal at the edges and every corner to weaken the bond.

Apply the softer at the edges and wait for 10-15 minutes.

Meanwhile, the bond will get weak.

Take out the strips of edges with the help of a chisel and hammer.

Using a hot knife:

The other method to remove the edges is heating the knife.

Go slowly and neatly on the edges to work effectively.

Razor and blades:

The sharp and hard tools popular with cutting edges are electric razors and blades.

Use the razor and blades first on the corners and then along the sides of a worktop.

Remove The Kitchen Worktop

Now kitchen worktop is all set to get removed.

Seek a partner to lift the laminate kitchen worktop.

The Conclusion

If you are looking for people to help you remove the kitchen worktop near me, then let me say these tips will help you perform the task efficiently.

Please read our other blog to learn the tips and guide on fitting kitchen worktops.

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