Kitchen plinth sealing strips protect the bottom plinths from water, dirt and small insects.
They are flexible and thin but strong, rigid and sustainable.
Plinth strips can give the kitchen base cabinets a classy and stylish look.
Easy Steps to fit plinth sealing strip of a kitchen
They are mostly made of PVC and plastic and are easy to cut and re-shape according to choice.
Thus, they can be fixed by using many adhesive elements.
Buy plinths sealing strips according to storage units
Take strips of a length similar to the kitchen plinths.
You can attach the extra piece of material required.
For kitchen plinth sealing strip using Glue
A silicone sealer glue can firmly fix the ribbon to the base.
It can be applied on both the plinth edge and the edges of a sealing strip.
Install Plinth for kitchen cabinet with cement:
Make a fine paste of cement with water and sand.
Fill the strip with the mixture.
Fix the plinth sealing strip to the bottom of the cabinets.
Edge tape for plinth fitting
Edging tape is a traditional method to fix a sealing strip.
You can stick the edging tap into the base of the cabinets and plinths to secure it.
The Conclusion
Installing a plinth sealing strip is the best decision to shield kitchen units in the long term. A transparent plinth is widely used in modern kitchen furniture.